Join our free masterclass to once and for all learn the tools to re-wire your mind for success.

Time to glow up!
There’s a reason why you struggle to make yourself do the things necessary to improve your life.
Maybe you want to start a business, workout or go to bed earlier. But you find yourself scrolling Instagram, procrastinating on things that will move you forward and you make excuses as to why you can’t possibly make time for the gym.
Did you know that 95% of your reality is created by your subconcisous mind? So the fact that you’re trying to push through and force action with only 5% of your mind and pure willpower, is why you’re struggling. It’s why you feel so burnt out.
You have bursts of energy, maybe you create your vision board and feel motivated for a few days. But then suddenly you’re back to your old ways, self-sabotaging and exhausted from repeating this pattern.​
It's not that you need to work harder. You need to programme your mind for success.
Imagine a life where....
You're full of energy and excited to take action towards your dream life ​
It feels easier to do the difficult actions like go to the gym or show up on social media ​
You've mastered your mindset and you're now your own biggest fan, no longer self sabotaging!
You finally understand how your mind works and know what to do to shift your beliefs holding you back
You have clarity on how to move your life forward and unleash your highest self!

"I now KNOW I'm capable"

Before I started working with Emma and Lacey in the Highest Self Club, I didn’t think I could actually achieve any of my dreams. They were literally just “dreams”. Since implementing all the mindset work I’ve learned I now KNOW I’m capable of achieving anything I set my mind to. It feels so incredible to set goals and know I can hit them!

What's included
How the mind works and why it's been holding you back
How to identify limiting beliefs
How to re-wire the mind for success
What the Nervous System has to do with this
Some tools so you can start to implement this ASAP!